
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One way to embed docs and pdfs

As you might have seen I found a way to embed docs and pdfs in my blog posts. I found a website called Scribd, which host your documents, so that you can share them. Here's how I did it.

You could either do Login with Facebook or Sign up. When you have access to an account you can start uploading.

Hit the Upload button on the top of the site. Make sure to choose "Make this document private" if you don't want to share it. Choose the document that you want to upload and when it is done go to your profile.

Choose the document that you want to embed and hit the Embed button to the right. Then you need to choose Standard HTML or format and copy the given code. Go to your new post, change to Edit HTML and paste the code, preview and publish post!

What it looks like? Check it out here.

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